1. Hi April, I know what you’re talking about. Not being able to provide for their family is the worst thing that can happen to good men. It takes away their identity and self-image like nothing else can. It’s great that you are praying for your marriage every day. Not everybody thinks to do that. They kind of take their marriage for granted. So keep on lifting him up and expecting God to do great things in your marriage and in every aspect of your lives.

  2. I can definitely attest to the self image struggle with my husband. It has been so very tough for him ever since he had his 4th back surgery, he’s not been able to work and we are on the 3rd appeal for his disability. I know i pray for him in this but you have given me a new spark to pray more intently again, I pray for our marriage daily and God has really transformed both of us in a mighty way these last few years. Thanks for a beautiful reminder of specific prayers.

  3. Totally messed up my first comment. What I meant to say was that, I enjoyed the article and that it was a great reminder of what I need to constantly pray for concerning my husband. Plan to refer back to this!

  4. I want to pray for my husband to continue to be a bold, godly leader to his family. He already does an amazing job and I’m so thankful, but there are times where I can get lost in the minutia and start nitpicking.

  5. One of the things that have made our marriage successful is a general rule we have. If we both don’t agree on something then we don’t do it. When we disagree, I always bring the issue to God and pray about it. Without fail, we will always get on the same page. It might take time but its the best thing we have done

  6. This is so good! “So I prayed for him, fought for him, and loved him the best I could” – wow, that alone is powerful. Sometimes it can be hard not to get frustrated alongside of them instead of fighting for them. Great encourager!

    1. Hi Jordan,
      I agree that it is hard not to get frustrated but to just do whatever it takes to help them through and fight for them when they are not able to fight for themselves. It’s a tough job, but we are tough women, right? We can do this, and I’m so glad we can encourage each other and lift each other up in prayer, too.

  7. Such a great list of ways to pray for your husband! Not being ashamed to ask for direction is a big deal for men. Especially in terms of being led by the spirit. I have enjoyed this post tremendously!

    1. Hi Denisha! Thank you for commenting. I’m glad you enjoyed this post. I hope it enhances your prayers and produces good fruits in your relationship with your husband and in the life of your family;

    1. Hi Bailey! Thank you for your response. It is definitely something we need to remember as we pray for our husbands. They need us to do spiritual warfare for them.

    1. Yes, Sara, I know what you mean. Sometimes we get complacent and forget to pray. But they need our prayers all the time. We are their best intercessor! Thank you for your nice comment.

  8. So true about men needing prayer. There are a lot more f me who are usurped by their wives because they won’t be the leader in the realationship. Step up me! And women keep praying!!

    1. Yes, Julie! Sometimes we miss the obvious and leave our men flailing around in the dark because we forget one of our main ministries, which is to lift up our husbands in prayer. They really do need us to pray for them.

  9. I am such a strong believer in praying strategically for my husband and my marriage. I loved the Power of a Praying Wife and would recommend it anywhere! Thanks for this reminder and the wisdom and truth here 🙂

    1. Thank you, Nicole, for sharing your thoughts! I love that book, too. I have gone through it many times. Sometimes we need a reminder, and it’s good to have a few points to focus on so our prayers can be strategic, as you said.

  10. Wow! What a beautifully written post and one that I really needed today! God used you today, my friend, to help me with something I’ve been struggling with. Thank you!

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