1. Yes! You are so right! The apostle Paul even tells us to live gracefully and gently, so we may win them without words. Our lives should shine the love of Jesus for everyone to see. He can use us in mighty ways to lead men to Him.

    1. Yes! You are so right, too! Amen! Actions speak louder than words. And it’s too easy to come across as overbearing, judgmental, bossy, or nagging when we use too many words.

  2. Great encouraging post. Thank you for writing this and highlighting the women who were important to Jesus. Thank you also for not confusing either Mary of Bethany or Mary Magdalene with either the sinful woman in Luke 7:36-50 or the woman caught in adultery in John 7:53-8:11, nor for suggesting that Mary Magdalene was an ex-prostitute. So many Christians do this, and it’s not helped by most of the Hollywood films or paintings throughout the years. None of that is biblical. I’ve written a couple of articles specifically on these, separating out biblical truth from popular myth.

    Are you only focusing on the women named Mary here? There was Martha of Bethany, the sister of Mary and Lazarus of Bethany. She was a woman of God and noteworthy in both Luke’s gospel and in John. And also Susanna and Joanna who were among the women who accompanied Jesus in Luke’s gospel (whom you’ve hinted at here).

    1. Yes, He was an equal opportunity employer, wasn’t He? LOL. Such a man before His time. He changed things more than I think we even realize by everything He did while He walked on earth.

    2. I didn’t intend to only focus on the Mary’s here. I couldn’t help but notice how many of the women closest to Him were named Mary. But I really do want to call attention to the fact that many women discerned that He was the Son of God and gave Him their all and helped Him during His earthly ministry. The way that God has made women has predisposed them to be sensitive to spiritual matters and concerned about their spiritual condition and that of others, so they can and should use their influence to help others to understand the importance of knowing Jesus and giving Him their lives.

  3. I love that Jesus was such a radical. Taking those marginalized in society and elevating them to important players in his ministry.

    1. Yes, He was an equal opportunity employer, wasn’t He? LOL. Such a man before His time. He changed things more than I think we even realize by everything He did while He walked on earth.

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