1. Lots of helpful tips in this article. Personally I try to plan date nights so we can have time alone together without distractions. One area I struggle with though is learning to disconnect especially since I have started blogging. Thanks for the reminder that we should disconnect from social media and connect with our family.

    1. That’s awesome that you can plan uninterrupted dates! and yes, blogging is a total beast on its own. Thank you Shanique!

    1. You are welcome Donna! It’s a work in progress, but as long as we stay loyal to the rules we set with our hubbies, we should be able to enjoy the best time with our family.

  2. That schedule sounds so difficult! I’m impressed you figured it out. Talking and prioritizing is so important, and I love how you mentioned the “other side of the coin,” seeing things from the other person’s perspective. I need to be better at that.

    1. Jennifer, it was a challenge to get used to and to be able to work it out. We both long for me to be able to spend every evening and night together, but for the meantime, this is our season and we are thankful to God for helping us make the best of it. In truth, if I would have placed myself on my husband’s shoes from the beginning of our marriage, we would have avoided so many arguments! We learn and live! 🙂

  3. I love the point about committing to mutual goals. Not only is that healthy to be agreeing on goals in marriage, but to have something you can work toward together is a wonderful way to bond! I’m so glad you found ways to connect with each other in the midst of crazy schedules!

    1. Emily, at one point we were pulling on opposite ways with our goals. Once we realized how much damage we were causing, talked and agreed to work in mutual goals. It has been a total game changer!

    1. Hi Sarah! It will take some time to adjust to the new routine, but trust God and His plans for your marriage. When there is will, there is a way!

  4. Maritza, I so appreciate your candor with the way you shared the challenges of homeschooling, marriage and schedules. I really appreciated the reality of the lure of the shiny screens. I have to fight the same temptations. Thanks for the encouragement. Bless you.

    1. Hi Rosemerry! you are so welcome! Thank you for your kind words! I have to constantly keep reminding myself to leave my phone when we are spending time together in family, or just with my hubby. I have started to leave my phone away from me, so that I respect that precious time with whom matter most. God bless you too!

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