1. What is there to do when the disappointment of staying faithful to marriage vowels are never met?? When 10 years of heartbreak and nights of tears go unanswered and you find yourself left with such relentless anger and that so called righteous anger turns into bitterness? Life is not meant to be lived this way. The only feasable thing to do is to take respite from this ugly union and salvage the little dignity I have left. There are four things keeping me to continue: God and my three children.

  2. Oh how this speaks to my heart. Haven’t we all been there, the unspoken expectations! You hit the nail on the head… Satan wants nothing more than to separate us and cause division in our marriages. How can we let such little things do this? Its a hard lesson that I too learned the hard way. Communication is such an important part and lots of prayer.

  3. I felt like you were READING MY MIND! I go through this trash cycle in my head and out loud constantly. And though I have communicated that expectation to my hubby, it’s still unfair of me to act as if I can never depend on him for anything, simply because he didn’t remember to take the trash out. Thanks for reminding us of truth and priorities.

  4. This was an awesome read, something I really needed today because these last few days as a sahm have been quite challenging. The 3 questions will be so helpful when I’m unfairly judging my husband & becoming bitter. Thank you for sharing this!

  5. Wow! This was so me last week. My husband and I both tend to communicate better in text, I know it maybe weird but it gives us time to think and to thoughtfully write out how we feel versus in-person hello emotions taking control. Last week we really reached each other and told each other how we felt…even the trash can.
    Thank you <3

  6. I love everything about this post. Communicating expectations is one thing that always seems to creep on my husband and I. Thank you for writing this, your posts are super encouraging!

  7. Powerful, thought-provoking questions and ones we need to ask ourselves regularly! It’s all too easy to make assumptions and to see what we perceive are the logs in everyone else’s eyes, especially our spouses, and consider our issues mere character flaws at worst. Blessings as you speak truth into marriages in this series.

  8. Communication is huge in stopping our grievances in settling deep into our hearts and becoming a root of bitterness! TY for your thought (and heart) provoking posts … ❤

  9. These are fantastic questions. I love that you point them back to us and encourage us to have responsibility in our marriage instead of just place blame when we feel things aren’t going the correct way. It it is an expectation from God then we

  10. These are fantastic questions. I love that you point them back to us and encourage us to have responsibility in our marriage instead of just place blame when we feel things aren’t going the correct way. It it is an expectation from God then we

  11. Love the final 3 questions at the end! Very important. Bitterness can certainly sweep in when we don’t communicate our expectations. Great post!

  12. Reading this made me chuckle! I too have always thought of taking out the bins as a boys job! My husband does usually always do it, but he has commented in the past that I am always around to do it too. I immediately met that with WHAT?! lol. It’s the same as visiting the tip (dump). Thats a boys job too because its stinky and gross! LOL.

    Jemma x

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