1. This was an excellent post. I definitely believe that when we start fighting the real enemy (in addition to remembering our own imperfections when we are prone to looking just at our spouses), marriage can drastically improve.

  2. I liked this post very much, very well written Tiffany! Although I’m not yet married, I often find myself being led to writings by married women. I think taking notes early is better than not taking notes at all. Thanks for sharing this post!

  3. Hey Tiffany!
    This is a post that’s hard to hear for many wives and husbands. It’s so tempting to blame the one we see in front of us instead of pointing our anger and focus on the one behind the scenes trying to orchestrate chaos in our families. Thanks for bringin the truth!

  4. SO true! It takes real work not to fall into the world’s view of if marriage isn’t making you happy get out. Changing our mindset to view the real enemy is key! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow, this post is a great reminder that the number 1 way I can fight for my marriage is through prayer! Thanks for your powerful words shared in this post!

  6. I love this post. Sometimes it’s so easy to focus our frustration in the wrong place. On days I find myself feeling that way, I’m going to remember this article and heed these tips. Thank you for sharing, friend.

  7. Great spiritual lesson! Every couple needs to know this. Even though we we’re Pastors it took us awhile to understand this. We both had to get out of the flesh and start fighting the true enemy.

  8. A friend said to me once that she doesn’t just want to have a good marriage, she wants a great marriage. That really stuck out to me and made me wonder if we settle for just good enough. Just barely getting by. I know God wants more for us and that’s what I want too.
    Thanks for reminding us that we can be more together.

  9. So true!! This is such a great reminder. My husband and I don’t have very terrible arguments, but when we do argue there have been times when both of us, in the middle of the argument, realized that we were being played by the enemy. We were playing right into the lie. And that realization would stop the argument in it’s tracks. It doesn’t happen everytime, unfortunately. But the most we’re aware of that, the more of a possibility that we can snap out of it and work together instead of against each other.

    Thanks again for the reminder and for the giveaway!

    1. I love that you are aware of it… and that is so true. When we see it for what it is – an attack of the enemy – we can step away from it!!!!!

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