Author: Meredith Curtis

Meredith Curtis, pastor’s wife and homeschooling mom of five amazing children, lives to be a world changer and raise world changers! She loves Jesus, leads worship, homeschools, writes, mentors ladies, and sometimes even cooks dinner! Believing that all of life is a grand adventure with so much to learn and discover, she loves teaching her own children and other children in her homeschool co-op. She is the author of Joyful and Successful Homeschooling, Economics, Finances & Business Course, Unlocking the Mysteries of Homeschooling High School, Quick & EZ Unit Study Fun, God’s Girls Beauty Secrets, American Literature & Research, Let’s Have Our Own Medieval Banquet, Maggie King Mystery series, and MORE! Visit Meredith at,,, and
A Brand New World

A Brand New World

Mrs. Noah finished the lunch dishes and dried her hands. Her boys were tired all the time now, what with building the ark or preparing homes and food for all the animals inside the ark. Her daughter-in-laws were helping, too. She decided to go check on Noah. He was getting…